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We enable sales teams to win high-margin projects through specification development rather than spec breaking

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Customer Outcomes


of generated sales PIPELINE across all clients

4.1 x

average increase in WIN-RATE (from project found to project won) per client


average MARGIN INCREASE due to earlier sales engagement per client

Market leading solution in Revenue Engineering


Early identification of new construction projects through AI creates fresh sales opportunities for your team


Simple qualification process helps any team adopt best practice and maximise their opportunity conversion rates


Empowerment of your sales team to become sales heroes through digital and analogue skills development

150+ Companies Use Building Radar

The construction industry is going through a radical change driven by increased competition, shrinking margins and shifts in decision making authority.

Competition for projects intensifies, but sales teams are not prepared after a decade of construction booming

Many sales teams are not equipped or setup for proactive sales because reactive sales used to suffice

IT systems are often outdated, doing more to support rigid reporting rather than enabling the pursuit of opportunities

Sales teams are failing to close deals because decision makers are changing and project buying decisions are happening earlier than ever

Sound familiar?

Let’s discover your untapped revenue potential!

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