Construction Industry
Blaupause: white paper


Balanced Situation between the North and the South of Germany

Analysing the data of Building Radar on the public road tenders reveals that there is no significant difference between public road tenders in the north and in the south of Germany. Dividing the tenders by the volume of their investment shows that the distribution of smaller tenders is 11% higher in the north as in the south. But, tender volumes over 200,000 euro are slightly higher in the south. Have a detailed look in the previous:Amount of tracked road construction tenders in Germany12,946Volume of Investment in euroPercentage0 - 0.2 million28%0.2 - 1 million28%1 million - 5 million30%greater 5 million15%North GermanySouth Germany0 - 0.2 million33%0 - 0.2 million21%0.2 - 1 million26%0.2 - 1 million30%1 - 5 million29%1 - 5 million33%greater 5 million12%greater 5 million16%

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