As passionate building and construction site enthusiasts we not only care about the availability of data and knowledge in the market but also about the thoroughness and care for attention used while planning and carrying out the art of constructing a building. Lately, there was more and more publicity and discontent because of managerial and construction defects. As it is in your and our best interest that constructions, develop smoothly and flawless, we decided to meet up with an enterprise called Defect Radar. Their mission is to ease the planning and construction process with technology using a complex communication platform.
Building Radar and Defect Radar
Buildings can be subject to complications and legislations. One thing that can occur more frequently than expected is the issue that arise from construction defects. In Germany, despite of their rumoured efficiency, every construction has around 30 critical errors. A condition can be considered a “construction defect,” should it in anyway reduce the value of the property. This could include cracks, improperly installed plumbing as well as faulty wiring. The problem with these issues is that they are not only financially inconvenient, but can also be the cause of serious personal injury claims. Defect Radar, similar to our enterprise, consists of young people who are looking to simplify vital procedures used during the process of constructing. Whilst we are overlooking the big picture of constructions, Defect Radar is more the man at site, who improves defect management by simple documentation and communication of issues.
The new era of the construction industry
Technology has changed the efficiency and precision of our daily life but even more of the business life. Almost any big industry capitalises on technological progress in order to keep up with customers’ expectations. The construction industry has always been very traditional where personal contact and a sharp mind is crucial to conduct business. Although this tradition is ongoing, laptops are more and more making an appearance alongside the hard hats. Despite the mud and mayhem of the construction site. Builders start to see the value of platforms like Defect Radar and Building Radar whose technological advancements lead to numerous advantages.
- Customer expectations The customer is always right or as we would say in Germany “The customer is King”. We all know that without customers our business model wouldn’t hold and therefore we do everything possible to satisfy their needs. Over the last decades however this has become increasingly challenging due to higher and stricter demands arising with the development of technology. Although some may criticize this strong involvement of technology nostalgically looking back to the good old times, no one can deny the new achievements we have made throughout the last decades. The number and size of projects created in such a short period of time is simply astonishing bringing our industry to new heights.
- Minimizing human errors We all know that we cannot be replaced by technology because our emotional intelligence can create ideas and make decisions a computer would never be able to do. In some cases, however the rational and quick processing of a software can save lives. This might sound dramatic but as said before, building defects can lead to serious injuries. Project management software allows contractors to manage complicated business processes with planning, organizing, and managing the various resource pools available. The increasing pressure of customers’ expectations through higher demands and greater competition through globalization forces us to look for support and focus only on the most important things. If we don’t, stress can lead to errors and bad decisions.
- Increase efficiency We all know that work involves banal and time consuming tasks which are however necessary in order to fulfill your job. Without help it is impossible to reach todays expectations and considering the great competitive advantage gained with technology it is evidently a favorable solution.
Regarding those arguments, the conclusion emerges that technology has become a vital part of our industry and also that without using its benefits one would go down amongst the many competitors.