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Change orders are a critical aspect of project execution. They reflect adjustments to the original project scope and can significantly impact the budget and timeline. This comprehensive guide will walk you through what change orders are, why they are important, and how they are managed effectively.

What Are Change Orders?

Change orders are formal documents that outline modifications to the original construction contract. These changes can result from various factors, such as unforeseen site conditions, design adjustments, or client requests. According to Procore, a change order modifies the contract terms, including the project’s scope, cost, and schedule.

Types of Change Orders

  1. Additive Change Orders: These involve additional work that increases the project scope and cost.
  2. Deductive Change Orders: These reduce the project scope and budget, often due to changes in design or project requirements.
  3. Administrative Change Orders: These are adjustments made for administrative reasons, such as correcting contract errors or clarifications.

The Change Order Process

Understanding the change order process is essential for managing construction projects effectively. The typical process involves several key steps:

  1. Identification: A change order request is initiated by the project owner, contractor, or subcontractor when a modification is needed.
  2. Documentation: Detailed documentation of the proposed changes is required, including the reasons for the changes and the impact on the project.
  3. Approval: The change order must be reviewed and approved by all relevant parties, including the project owner and contractor.
  4. Implementation: Once approved, the change order is implemented, and the contract is updated to reflect the new terms.
  5. Monitoring: The impact of the change order on the project schedule and budget is monitored to ensure that the project stays on track.

For a more detailed overview of how change orders work, check out

Managing Change Orders Effectively

Effective management of change orders is crucial to maintaining project success. Here are some best practices:

  • Clear Communication: Ensure all stakeholders are informed about changes and their impacts on the project.
  • Detailed Documentation: Keep thorough records of all change orders, including the reasons for changes and any additional costs or delays.
  • Timely Approvals: Secure prompt approvals to prevent delays in project execution.

For additional insights into managing change orders, see CrewCost’s guide.

Technology and Change Orders

The integration of technology in managing change orders has streamlined the process and improved accuracy. Digital tools and construction management software can automate documentation, approval workflows, and tracking of change orders. Tools like Siteline provide comprehensive solutions for managing change orders efficiently.

Enhancing Change Order Management with Building Radar

Technology plays a significant role in enhancing construction project management, including change order management. Building Radar offers innovative solutions for building product manufacturers and general contractors, helping their sales teams secure high-margin projects through effective specification development.

How Building Radar Supports Construction Projects

  • Early Project Identification: Building Radar uses AI to identify new construction projects at the earliest opportunity, providing a competitive edge.
  • Streamlined Sales Processes: The platform integrates with CRM systems to optimize lead management and automate processes, improving efficiency and conversion rates.
  • Global Market Data: Building Radar’s extensive project data helps users stay informed about opportunities and market trends.

Building Radar’s scalable Revenue Engineering Software helps turn projects into measurable revenue. The AI technology identifies new construction projects at the earliest opportunity, guiding sales teams to leverage their first-mover advantage. This leads to more active selling time through digitized lead processes and smart process automation, ultimately resulting in a higher win rate and more pipeline opportunities.

Their project data covers global markets, ensuring early information for a competitive edge. The sales process is streamlined with easy-to-follow checklists, mobile-friendly tools, and customizable features that integrate seamlessly with downstream sales software and CRM systems. Building Radar offers outreach tools and user-friendly templates to increase time efficiency and support best sales practices.

With over 45 search filters, Building Radar ensures that users never miss a construction project. They provide seamless CRM integration with major platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Microsoft Dynamics, alongside enterprise reporting to uncover sales potential in target markets. Personalized customer support is available through dedicated Customer Success Managers.

Building Radar also enhances sales excellence through adaptive phone scripts, email sequences, and self-learning systems. They assist in identifying buying centers, company networks, and relevant decision-makers, continually improving the sales process with data-driven insights. Key-account tracking and discovering new companies are simplified, and comprehensive contact details are provided to support proactive sales efforts. AI-driven recommendations help customers focus on the most promising projects, saving time with automatic sequences and direct CRM integration.


Change orders are an essential part of construction project management, requiring careful attention to detail and effective communication. By leveraging technology and tools like Building Radar, construction professionals can streamline the change order process and enhance project outcomes. For more information on managing change orders and improving project efficiency, explore resources from MyComply and Procore.