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103 Days Faster

Discover relevant construction projects on average 103 days before your competition! Get in touch with decision-makers early on and thus increase your sales success.

Automated Construction Lead Research from 300.000+ Sources

Our AI-based lead technology constantly monitors thousands of news and tender sources to automatically find new construction projects. This information is then filtered to ensure you receive only the most relevant construction leads that meet your requirements.

As simple as reading emails!

Stay Informed About the Latest Project Development

Always stay on top of your leads with automated project updates in real-time and the use of state of the art AI technology.

Persuade Decision-Makers Early on

One single piece of new information can create the perfect opportunity to acquire a new project. Use the information on file to get in touch with involved companies and start winning new customers while your competition is still researching prospects.

CRM Integration

Synchronize relevant projects with Salesforce, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics or your individual CRM system. With just a few clicks, your CRM integration is ready for operation without any effort for your technicians.

Individual Project-Filters

Filter millions of construction projects by location, construction phase, size, etc. and receive automated notifications according to your needs directly into your mailbox. Your search preferences are saved and can be adjusted at any time.

Personal Support

Our Customer Success Team is there for you. Receive regular support around our platform and numerous materials to optimize your sales process.

150+ Companies Use Building Radar

Optimize your sales and skyrocket your business success in Asia!

  • Comprehensive service: browse building projects in Asia, South-East Asia or anywhere else in the world, all on one platform.
  • Flexible pricing: you can test our service for free or sign up for more comprehensive features. Learn more about our pricing here.
  • Coverage: we have construction data on commercial building projects in all Asian countries including: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Darussalam, Burma, Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Macau, East Timor, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea, North Korea, South Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Maldives, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Qatar, Taipei, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste (East Timor), Turkey, Turkmenistan, UAE, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.
  • Building Radar is your source for early-phase building projects in Asia and South-East Asia.
  • Never again manually research building projects in Asia. Building Radar makes lead generation just a few clicks.
  • Get information from live satellite imagery on any construction site in Qatar, Cambodia, Pakistan or anywhere else.
  • Ever thought of expanding to China, Hong Kong, Macau or Japan? There are so many opportunities for you waiting in Asia. Find out about all the construction sites today.
  • No infrastructure to install — just log in and find construction leads in China, Japan or anywhere else.

  • Benefit from our lead service for building projects in Asia and South-East Asia.
  • We provide you with a searchable, real-time snapshot of the Asian commercial real estate market.
  • With Building Radar, you can easily analyse a building’s location (e.g. demography, presence of solar panels) and questions like who works with whom in Asia, which companies fit you strategically, and where (regions or verticals) companies are active.
  • Industry forecast: the Asian construction industry has experienced growth over the past decade independent from economic performance across the region. For example, Asia was the only continent in 2012 to display continuous growth in the construction industry. In South-East Asia, China is home to the biggest construction industry, followed closely by India, Japan, Malaysia, and Korea. In the most developed cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, the competition is so intense that profitability for construction has decreased. This is especially so for commercial building projects. As a result, companies are specifically looking for means to secure competitive advantages and maximise their profits. China continues to dominate the construction industry. The world’s two tallest skyscrapers are in China. In 2015, China is expected to lead construction spending in South-East Asia with US $2.28 trillion, while Japan will spend about US $812 billion and India US $487 billion. Investment in commercial building projects is still very attractive for international companies, owing to recent infrastructure developments, improved transport systems and cheaper labour.

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